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COVID Policy

The following COVID policy is in place to ensure the health and safety of patients, staff and providers. 


1. Masks are required to be worn in all common areas of our office (lobby, restrooms, hallways), masks are provided if needed. 

         -Mask requirements during the appointment is provider discretion. 

2. All patients are asked to fill out a COVID symptom questionnaire prior to being checked in and a temperature will be taken. The questionnaire asks about recent exposure and the following symptoms below:


Within the last TWO WEEKS have you had any NEW PRESENTATION of the following (chronic symptoms do not apply) 


New Presentation of Cough                     

Congestion or Runny Nose        


New Loss of Taste or Smell     

Sore Throat 

Shortness of Breath       




Muscle Aches



  • If there is new presentation of cough, congestion, runny nose, fever/chills, or temperature is over 99.9 your appointment will be rescheduled or changed to telehealth to be joined outside of the building. 

  • If there is new presentation of a combination of 2 or more symptoms your appointment will be rescheduled or changed to telehealth to be joined outside of the building. 

  • If recently tested COVID positive, in office appointments are available two weeks post positive test if there are no longer any presenting symptoms. 

  • If you had immediate contact with a COVID positive person within the last two weeks and have no presenting symptoms, in office appointments are available but  you must wear a mask at all times while in the office. 


(In office availability is variable for each provider, please call 402-614-0010 with questions) 



Click here for information on how to contact us, or directions to our office location.

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